Blood Donation
Blood Donation Awareness
RASHTROTTHANA PARISHAT is a Registered Charitable Organization Striving in the fields of Mass Awareness, Mass Education and Social Service, since 1965. It achieves its purpose through several projects. A full-fledged Blood Bank is one of its project. It is a Voluntary Blood Bank and it is recognized as ‘Regional Blood Transfusion Centre’ by the Government of Karnataka.

Blood life-stream of human body
- There is no substitute for blood. Researchers have investigated a number of possible blood substitutes. Even though certain chemicals and some natural substances can carry oxygen, they cannot perform all the functions of natural blood. Blood cannot be manufactured synthetically. The only source of blood & Blood products is still the human body. As long as blood cannot be manufactured, blood transfusion services must depend upon fellow-human beings to save lives.

Body makes up what one donate
- The average blood volume in a healthy individual is about 5 to 6 liters. At every blood donation, roughly about 350/450ml of blood depending on the body weight is collected. Our body compensates this volume replaced within 24 to 48 hours. One can resume normal routine within an hour of donating blood.

You too, can benefit by donating blood
- ]The more the merrier! Frequent blood Donors assure us that they feel physically rejuvenated and mentally more fulfilled after every blood donation
- ]There are also reports that it is good to donate blood regularly to prevent some heart diseases
- ]In spite of all the above advantages and probably due to lack of awareness about blood donation, still only about 5% of eligible Donors donate blood

Blood Requirement Circumstances
- ]Accident victims
- ]Patients undergoing all major surgeries
- ]Patients of Thalassemia
- ]All types of cancer patients
- ]Burn victims
- ]Women during complicated childbirth or excessive bleeding or severe anemia or hysterectomy and other surgeries in case of tubal pregnancies
- ]Patients with Bleeding Tendencies
- ]Blood is needed for bleeding injuries and life-saving operations. By donating blood, you may make the difference between life and death of a needy individual

Eligibility Criteria for Blood Donation
One can donate blood subject to the following criteria.
Age | First time Donor shall not be over 60 years of age For repeat Donor upper limit is 65 years. For Apheresis Donors 18-60 years. |
Min. Weight | 45-55kgs – For 350ml, >55kgs – For 450ml. Apheresis -50 kg. |
Min. Haemoglobin | >12.5 gms% |
Interval between donations |
Time of donation | Usually within 4 hrs after intake of food |

Precautionary Measure for Blood Donation before Blood Donation
- ]Have a good meal and lots of fluids
- ]Sleep well the previous night (Minimum 6 hours)
- ]Relax during Blood Donation as it is for a good cause to save lives, of needy persons, not to shed blood! Your contribution may make the difference of life and death to patient in distress
The Concerned counselor writes his/her name along with the remarks for having counseled the Donor and signs in Blood Donor Questionnaire.